C????????????????????oral reefs, Include the following points: A. Characterize t Leave a reply C????????????????????oral reefs, Include the following points: A. Characterize the ecology of the system B. Where in North America (including Central America) does the ecosystem occur (Give examples of geographic places where it occurs, where would you travel to see good examples) C. Paleo?history of the system: e.g. when did it arise in Earth’s history, how was it different from today D????????????????????. Human impact on the system: (a) since European contact (b) in historical times (pre?industrial times), (c) now (from industrial times), (d) potential future given climate change Format of paper: text (excluding references) 10 pages double?spaced, 12 font, citations of references (at least 10 and half of them from original literature (that is not “just” a website????????????????????).. This entry was posted in Ecology on December 5, 2021 by .

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