Compare and analysis two filmsMain focus:1. the similarity of two films. 2. Gl Leave a reply Compare and analysis two filmsMain focus:1. the similarity of two films. 2. Global and local relationship. 3. Find evidence about the director. 4. Analysis the film languageTwo Movies: A Confucian Confusion ( Dir, Edward Yang, 1994).Mahjong ( Dir, Edward Yang, 1996)Paper Content: Your paper must be written in your own words and based on your own research findings; plagiarism, plot summary, or paraphrase of a secondary source will not be tolerated. Please write a cogent essay in which you begin by stating a problematic (thesis), then go on to identify theme(s) or text(s) you plan to analyze or compare, to examine textual evidence in detail to support your argument, to draw on current scholarships, and to conclude with your original insights. While important to review major findings in the field, you should demonstrateyour critical capacity by engaging the experts and sustaining your own line ofarguments between primary and secondary sources.Paper Format: Your paper must be typed, double-spaced with one-inch margin on all four sidesof the page. Please staple your 5-6 pages of text followed by a works cited page. You should proof-read your writing carefully, making sure that there are no spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes. Also, Please use at least 3 outside sources to illustrate the paper.Below are all the things you can compare:Language: Taiwanese or Japanese vs Mandarin in the transitional period of resinficationPlotting: multiple narrative Voices and DecenteringCasting: Established stars vs Common peopleShooting: tunnel vision in Wu vs Yang; Light vs Darkness and shadowSetting: arch/corridor/door/frame/gateway or threshold/wall/windowMarriage and Confucian family valuesBuilding and ambience: Japanese baroque vs. modern skyscraper This entry was posted in Art : Film on December 5, 2021 by .