C????????????????????ollaboration Café: Person-centered Strategies to Support So Leave a reply C????????????????????ollaboration Café: Person-centered Strategies to Support Social Justice and Health Equity Social justice and the pursuit of health equity are foundational values intended to shape healthcare policies, resources, and delivery. Unfortunately; even with intentional efforts to promote health and prevent disease, disparities and inequity are not uncommon. Create a short case scenario regarding a client with an alteration in health involving one of the body systems discussed during this week’s lesson (GI or GU). In the scenario, also describe at least one health disparity experienced by your ????????????????????fictitious client. Respond to the following: Present the case scenario, and explain the alteration in health (GI or GU) and the health disparities experienced by the fictitious client. Discuss the variables that contributed to health disparity in this situation, such as physical, cultural, social, economic, or educational determinants. Explain how the disparity impacts the alteration in health (GI or GU) experienced by the client. Prioritize two action steps for the MSN-prepared nurse to minimize disparity, support health equity, and address the alteration in health within your scenari????????????????????o. This entry was posted in Healthcare and Nursing on December 7, 2021 by .

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