Provide a written response to the case study (see attachment). Your case response should be 3 double-spaced pages in length and contain references to relevant source materials as well as
your own original thoughts on the topic. As a nonprofit organization grows, it inevitably faces the challenge of strategic planning. How should the organization grow? Should it expand all of the existing programs or concentrate on a few? How should it determine which new program(s) to develop? What are the important criteria and available analytical tools to use?
Read the case study titled “The Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans: Focusing for Impact,” and provide a written response to the above questions within the context of AAMA. In particular, what do you think of AAMA’s two-by-two matrix of program mapping (Exhibit D)? How is this analytical framework compared to MacMillan’s Framework (pp. 91-93 of the textbook)? How would you improve AAMA’s two-by-two matrix? Is this analytical tool applicable to other types of nonprofit organizations (e.g., a job training center or an advocacy group)?



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