1. History of agency/organisation
• Dates of agency formation (and if applicable re-organisation)
• Historical context of agency formation
2. Type of agency/organisation
• Analyse and specify the type of agency: Humanitarian/communitybased/human-service-delivery, social work oriented agency
• Governmental, non-governmental, non-profit organisation, private enterprise, etc.
• What is the agency/organisation specialised in? How does it fit into the broader context of human service delivery (e.g. country context or agency contexts)
• Mission/vision/mandate/objectives of the organisation/agency
3. Clients/Beneficiaries
• Characterise the types/groups of clients/beneficiaries
4. Organisation and Processes of agency/organisation
• Location (headquarters and location of other offices)
• How is the organisation/agency organised (internal structures, centralised/decentralised) and how is labour divided?
• Does the agency cooperate with other organisations/agencies/stakeholders/institutions?
• Which types of services does the agency offer and how are services delivered?
• Which type of competencies and expertise are used by the agency/organisation to deliver its services?
• What policy and decision making processes does the agency use to carry out its work?
• How are employees recruited and socialised into the agency culture?
5. Budget
• How and in what amounts is the organisation/agency funded?
• How is the budget distributed among sub-units/different departments within the agency and among the various programs the agency runs?
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