A????????????????????ssignment brief The title of the literature review report i Leave a reply A????????????????????ssignment brief The title of the literature review report is: Exploring projects failure rate across different industries and critical evaluation of most widespread failure factors Literature Review Report The report shall address two main areas: 1- review the current knowledge on above topic and 2- focus on critical evaluation of the research methodologies used within the reviewed studies. The report must demonstrate an understanding of appropriate research knowledge and techniques. You are expected to critically appraise the literature covered in the reviewed articles, considering whether you would have used the same methodological approach. Then you will critically evaluate the way in which data was analysed and whether the conclusions the authors have made are valid based on their chosen methodology and results. Structure of the report: 2500 words Introduction A clear introduction to the report; the aim of the literature review report; and identification and a brief collective overview of the research articles being reviewed. ~ 300 words Critical Review A critical review of the literature on above topic. This part shall briefly cover the following point. 1- Failure factors to consider project is failed (in term of time & cost only). 2- Analysing failure rates acr????????????????????oss different industries (Industrial projects, real estate projects, IT projects, and oil & gas projects). 3- The correlation between the size, duration, and complexity of projects and failure rate. 4- Failure factors can include but not limited to: Lack of scope definition Lack of quality planning Lack of quality cost and schedule estimate Lack of feasibility studies Absence of project management skills and experiences. Using New technologies Aggressive schedules Project manager/Project team turnover Lack of risk management Impact of project stakeholders. Regulation of the organisations or project location. ~ 600-800 Words Critical Evaluation of the Methodology A clear identification and critical evaluation of the research methods, data collection and analysis that have been used in the research articles and a critical evaluation of whether the methodology was appropriate for answering the research questions posed by these articles and why, or why not. ~ 1000- 1300 Words Conclusions Critically evaluate the way in which data was analysed and whether the conclusions the authors have made are valid based on their chosen methodology and results ~ 300 -400 words Reference At least 10 references within past ten y????????????????????ears to be used in the report This entry was posted in Business and Management on December 5, 2021 by .