Portfolio Weighting

Ethical Dilemma Essay (Part A) (1500 words) (50%)
Portfolio of Evidence (Part B) (1500 words) (50%)

Part A: Ethical Dilemma Essay (1,500 words)

Students are to identify and discuss an business-related ethical dilemma. Ideally, this choice should be relevant to your intended area of future employment. You must demonstrate both an awareness of the key issues surrounding why it is an ethical dilemma, and then propose solutions to that dilemma. A suggested format for the essay is:

Ethical Dilemma Description (300 words)
Justify why it is an ethical dilemma in a business situation (600 words)
Ethical solutions proposed by the student to this dilemma (600 words)

Part of the learning experience of this essay is for you as the student picking and developing the dilemma yourself from either a relevant recent news event, personal professional practice experience.

Students are strongly advised to read the marking criteria sheets (at the end of this document) very carefully to gain an understanding of exactly what the examiner will be looking for, and marking against.()

You should not use an ethical dilemma that we have discussed in detail during a class[ The “Ethics in the News” items shown at the start of seminars are not deemed to have been discussed in detail.] or has been analysed in a textbook or website; this is your ethical dilemma, which you have developed, which ideally relates to your career aspirations.

Part B: Portfolio of Evidence Contents

The portfolio contents should provide evidence of your diligent engagement with the module activities including the directed learning opportunities. Your portfolio should be divided into clear sections, with the appendices clearly marked A, B, and C so that your examiner can easily find and mark your evidence. A summary of our expectations is provided below:

Appendix A The Ethical Leadership Debate (in Seminar 4) (20% of marks)

A reflective statement of 600 words which describes and critically evaluates the arguments presented in the debate on Ethical Leadership. Your argument must culminate in your opinion regarding the debate motion. We expect you to analyse the arguments (for and against) made by the teams on behalf of their characters in your seminar. We are not asking you to write an essay purely based upon the character biographies that we supplied for debate preparation.

Appendix B The Seminar Case (in Seminars 1 and 5) (20% of marks)

A reflective statement of 600 words concerning the seminar ethical dilemma case which was discussed in the Seminars One and Five. Briefly identify the ethical dilemmas in the case, and then select one for analysis using the normative ethical theories and descriptive frameworks taught on this module.

Appendix C Interpersonal and Team-working skills (10% of marks)

A reflective statement of 300 words showing how your interpersonal and team-working skills were used in this module.
(For the avoidance of doubt:

If your ethical issue is in the public domain – i.e. it is reported on in the press or written about elsewhere you DO NOT need to anonymise

If your ethical issue is not public knowledge, i.e. you have used your experiences from a work placement or made up a hypothetical story about a real company DO anonymise)

(“One diagram and/or one table per assignment element (Essay, Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C) can be disregarded from the word count. That is a maximum of four tables and four diagrams per assignment (distributed as previously stated). This will not count towards the word count. Students who decide to answer without the use a table or diagram will not be directly penalised for the omission in the marking scheme, but appropriate use of these graphics can help to provide a full answer”

We also reserve the right to include excessive wording in either a table or a diagram as part of the word count. Please do not attempt to use our assignment rules generosity as a way of circumnavigating an important element of your assignment.)

i will send you a sample to see the structure and also the marking scheme. pls use the reference properly. Also no more than 3300 words.


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