This essay will be developed in four stages and is worth a total of 100 points. The stages are outlined here and you should refer to the syllabus as you prepare to do each stage.
Stage 1 (10 points) You need to make a choice and clear it with the instructors as outlined above. This means giving us an e-mail and a hard copy of your choice—including the article for choice 1; a description of an occupational category and of a future employer within that category (agency, company, school, etc.), drawn from public sources, for choice 2, or a summary of the main data sources you plan to use for Choice 3 (we suggest the campaign websites). We need both the e-mail and the hard copy so we can make comments on the hard copy to return to you and have a copy in our e-mail files of the original.
Stage 2 (30 Points) will be a 4-page application of the theory of Karl Marx to the choice you have selected. In the essay you should
- identify the article (Choice 1) or employment (Choice 2) or election (Choice 3) you are responding to and present yourself as a student of classical sociology;
- explain that you are interested in exploring the relevance of the theories of classical sociology for this current problem/employment /election and you want to share some insights from the sociological theory of Karl Marx;
iii. give a one-paragraph summary of the article, highlighting the basic conclusion the article reaches about the problem it addresses, or the description of the employment, or the basics of the campaign websites;
- analyze the article/employment /election from the perspective of Marxian social theory, focusing on one key concept that you define formally and whose relation to the theory as a whole you make clear;
- say what solution you think the theory, in this case, Marxian sociology, would suggest as a solution for the problem the article presents (Choice 1) or how a knowledge of this theory might contribute to the work of your future employer (Choice 2) or which candidates the theory would lead one to endorse or reject (Choice 3), and
- conclude by critically assessing the usefulness of Marx’s theory for the study of this problem or area.
Stage 3 (30 points) an outline for Part II of the final essay covering Addams, Durkheim and Weber. This outline should do the following:
- open by repeating your description of your topic from Stage 2,
- after that opening, divide the outline into sections by theory/theorist
- in each section,
- focus on a key concept from each of the theories,
- define the concept,
- explain how that concept relates to other concepts in the theory, and
- discuss how it helps answer the general problem of your paper.
Your outline may be presented in essay form, in outline form or in a table.
This outline should be 5 to 6 pages long.
STAGE 4 (50 Points) will be a 20- page application of the theories of Marx, Addams, Durkheim, Max Weber, the feminists Gilman and theAfricana theorists Du Bois to your chosen topic. Stage 4 should begin with a revision of the statement of the paper topic, based on professor comments and taking account of its expanded scope. The body should be divided into separate sections, one for each theory/theorist, meeting the same analytic requirements as in Stages 2 and 3. The sections on Marx, Addams, Durkheim and Max Weber should be revised following the instructor’s comments from Stages 2 and 3. Stage 4 should end with a comparison of the six theories you have presented, critically evaluating their strengths and weaknesses as a theoretical frame for your topic. The evaluation of the theories as a critical frame should assess whether the ideas seem empirically valid, logically consistent, and predictive of future outcomes or actions.
You must submit the grade sheets from Stages 2 and 3 with Stage 4.
Grading Criteria. Essays will be evaluated in terms of the following expectations:
1. Focus–the essay does what is assigned—that is, you follow instructions (see above) 2. Facts–the essay supplies a sufficient summary of the empirical case you selected to investigate, offering details that are appropriate, vivid, and sufficient for the analysis. 3. Theory–the essay defines concepts accurately and relates them clearly and in sufficient detail to the total theory. [This is the key criterion.] 4. Authority—the essay supports its positions with appropriate quotation from the theorist 5. Insight–fact and theory are combined to explicate the problem and offer a solution 6. Critical Thinking—you engage with the theories critically, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses as a possible theoretical frame for explaining the article’s facts and analysis 7. Effectiveness in expression and organization–you find a clear and compelling way to make your argument, remembering that you are writing as a public sociologist for a general educated audience. (This means clear organization, word choice and sentence structure and typographical devices like sidebars, boldface and italics to create a reader friendly document.) A late paper will be penalized 5 points. Nota Bene: All essays should use ASA Style in references and citation. |
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