A????????????????????nimals is Animals Food is Food Plants and animals are livin Leave a reply A????????????????????nimals is Animals Food is Food Plants and animals are living things that found in this planet. They are important to conserve our planet. People get their food from the plants or from animals. Plant products are more essential for our health as compared to animal products. Many plants as a source of vitamins for humans that protect against diseases. For example, vitamin C, vitamin B and vitamin D etc. However, people that eat dead animals or meat increase fat accumulation in their body, and narrowing our blood vessels that cause blood pressure. Some diseases are caused by eat dead animals and drink animal products. According to Ms Jans lecture, some animals eat dirty thing that contain different pathogens like pigs. When human eat these animals, the pathogens enter into their body and they cause different diseases. In addition, some worms like tape worm caused by row meat from cow. The life cycle of this worm is as follows. The patient person removes the faces that contain eggs that enters the grass. When the cow eats this grass, the eggs enter with the grass and develop into larva inside their body. If the people eat uncooked meat, the larva will enter into their body. This type of disease is common in developed countries. Moreover, most people change their feeding styles to avoid diseases. This is not true because some plants are genetically modifying organisms. During Ms Jans lecture, genetically modifying organisms are organisms that hybrid with other organisms. According to Ms Jans lecture, people can be classified as vegetarians and vegans based their feeding habit. Vegetarians are a group of people that eat dairy products and eggs whereas vegans are people that do not eat dairy products and eggs. Scientists can interbreed animals and plants with the same spices. These animals are dangerous for our health because they are not easily digested, and they remove from our body as faces. Most animals are killing for the purpose of food. According to Ms Jans lecture, Extinction is a group of people that decided to hunt and kill something that does not exist. Of course, most people that eat meat through hunting and killing animals. This practice is a serious problem in this planet. This also another genocide in animals. Genocide is not only practiced in humans. It is also practiced in animals by humans. All humans have the right to live in this plant. Similarly, animals also have their right survive. People keep the animals rather hunting and killing. Animals are important to us for farming. Most developed country like Ethiopia 80 % of the population are farmers. They use animals for farming. However, some people use animals for meat. During Ms Jan lecture, most media and government are not explained to their people about the impact of animal products on human health. People are brainwashed by the media and the government. Most people learn from the previous mistake. Some people wary about their past mistake. According to Ms Jan lecture, nothing is not perfect. Mistake is an important to do the right thing. People should be realized the truth rather than facts. Ms Jan argues that the real church is in your brain not found on the building. This is true because if you do the right thing for others, you get the truth. Our body connected to each other like electric. The brain is the master that control the rest of the body. When the people do the right thing their body good feeling because the brain accept the truth. However, people do mistake their body do not feel good because their brain does not accept false. People can do the right thing finding the truth. The truth is found in our body it is not somewhere else. She says that when the person tells the truth, the people realize the person is crazy. The truth is based on logic and it is not debatable. The great scientist that found in the world is doing a lot of mistakes. Mistake an important to success because it create best understanding about something, and it is as a source of new knowledge. People are learning when they are doing a mistake. Therefore, people do the right thing on animals to save these crucial creatures. In conclusion, Plant products are more important for our health relative to animals. Most people hunt ????????????????????and kill animals for the purpose of food. Like humans, animals have the right to live in this planet. People listen themselves, and follow the logic. Review/Introduction to finding and using sources Review/Introduction to thesis development and support/Reading Techniques Print How to evaluate and identify scholarly sources (both books and journal articles) using an easy, three-step process: Step One: Look at the Publisher: scholarly books are published by: university presses (see a list at Association of American University Presses Directory). You can also google the name of the press to see if its scholarly or not; their websites About page will say they are an academic or scholarly press. professional organizations (. American Psychological Association, American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Note: a press for books for grade school students or a press that self-describes as trade book publisher (in other words, for commercial sales of books) are NOT scholarly or academic and it will not count as a scholarly publisher. Step Two: Look at the Author: authors of scholarly books will usually be identified as associated with an academic institution (. a college or university professor) or a research or professional organization (. a think tank staff member). An author of a scholarly book is an expert in the field of the book with documented credentials in that field. The biographical note for the author of a scholarly work (whether its included in the book, or with the article, or on their publisher or universitys website) will state their credentials. If you are still not sure, google authors names and look at their universitys page for the author as it will have all their credentials and publications. Step Three: Check for In-sentence and Works Cited Citations: Scholarly authors cite their sources extensively. They explain their research process by showing their sources and making it easy for others to verify their origin, authenticity, and accuracy of use. Scholarly books use parenthetical documentation or footnotes and have Works Cited or Bibliography sections. NOTE: Do not skip any steps! If a book or article is missing one or more of the elements in this pattern, it will not qualify as scholarly and you will not get credit for it. *** Your thesis and Works Cited due as midterm assignment AND your final paper due at the end of the semester have to have 10 sources: 2 sources have to be scholarly books 6 sources have to be scholarly articles from scholarly journals 2 sources can be anything as long as the sources fit the pattern of the scholarly sources (If you prefer it, these two sources can be replaced with scholarly books or articles.) *** This is the four-step pattern required by your research process: Step One: Pick your topic. Use to review social studies topics and pick one before you start researching sources. I suggest you pick a topic that intersects with your interests, your previous studies, or the documentaries weve discussed. Please remember that you have a formal writing assignment attached to this step! Step Two: Find the two scholarly books required for your sources through the Wright College Learning Resource Centers online databases. IF you find no scholarly books on your topic, you need to change your topic. You do not need to write a new essay for your new topic. IF you only find one scholarly book on your topic, make your topic broader. For example, if you find only one book on Identity Politics, you can broaden your topic to Original North Americans are black public (your topic is now broadened to different kinds of Black Native Americans including different tribes). Step Three: Find six scholarly articles on your topic using the Wright College Learning Resource Centers online databases. Step Four: The last two sources required can be anything AS LONG as they are fact-based sources whose reliability you can verify (such as a documentary-like the ones we will see in class or a fact-based newspaper article) because they fit the pattern of the scholarship you researched before this. If you prefer it, you can, instead, use two mor????????????????????e scholarly books or articles instead of non-scholarly sources. Download This entry was posted in English on December 5, 2021 by .