1.What does fa?aleleg?pepe represent? What does it say about the learner? (0 wor Leave a reply 1.What does fa?aleleg?pepe represent? What does it say about the learner? (0 words) Don?t need to cover this as I have done this part.2. What similarities and differences can you identify between the images that Sorin (2005) discusses, and the view of the child that is portrayed in Tagoilelagi-Leota (2010)? ( 150 words)3. What shortfalls are identified when attempting to apply mainstream measures to Pacific children? (125 words)Please do not answer 2 and 3 together but answer separately as how I set it out here thanks. write it as simple as you can thanks. This entry was posted in Education on December 4, 2021 by .

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