1???????????????????? Please pick up 6 out of 8 questions below. Each answer sho Leave a reply 1???????????????????? Please pick up 6 out of 8 questions below. Each answer should take up between 300-350 words (11?3 double spaced pages). Please make sure to refer to at least one reading in each answer. here is the link where I put the required readings: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1C3sPm0nb58sFJM4jaxw_oKSY0614mEAL The Questions: 1. Why and how was the racialization of space and the spatialization of race intrinsic to settler colonialism in the US? [intrinsic (adj.) = belonging naturally to something; essential]. 2. Why and how was the racialization of space and the spatialization of race intrinsic to slavery in the US? 3. Through what mechanisms did the system of racial apartheid in the US known as Jim Crow happen between the late 1870s and the late 1960s? Also, what purposes did it serve? 4. Through what mechanisms did racial ghettoization happen in the US? Also, w????????????????????hat purposes did it serve? 5. How did “urban renewal” programs contribute to and exacerbate race and class segregation in Los Angeles? Also, how did this compare to how urban renewal perpetuated race and class segregation in San Francisco? 6. Through what extent and through which mechanisms are schools in the United States still racially segregated sixty-five years after the Brown v. Board of education Supreme Court decision? 7. Make an argument for how and why the US-Mexico border is a mechanism of racial segregation by answering the following questions: how does it reproduce the notion of an “enemy alien” and how does it lead to practices of dehumanization of those deemed to be inherently foreign to the US nation? 8. In what ways is racial segregation a fundamental contributor to the phenomenon known in urban sociology and critical geography as “environment????????????????????al racism”? This entry was posted in Ethics on December 5, 2021 by .

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