The renal sinus consists of the

a. Renal Papillae, minor calyx/calices, major calyx/calices, renal pelvis.

b. Renal cortex, renal medulla, renal pyramids, and renal columns.

c. Ureters, Urinary bladder, urethra

d. Prostatic urethra, membranous urethra, and then spongy urethra

Peritubular Reabsorption is the:

a: Return (or “pumping”) of the most water and solutes from the urine back into the blood

b.”pumping” of metabloic wastes, toxins, foreign chemicals and excess molecules from the blood in the urine.

c. Osmotic pressure driven movement of water and solutes from the urine into the Glomerular capsule.

d. Blood pressure driven movement of water and solutes from the blood into the Glomerular Capsule.

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