Anatomic dead space is the The equation for Minute ventilation is A. volume of air in the conducting zone; (Tidal Volume – Dead Space) X Respiration Ratc B. volume of air in the conducting zone; Tidal Volume X Respiration Rate C. volume of air in the respiratory zone; Tidal Volume X Respiration Rate D. volume of air in the respiratory zone; (Tidal Volume – Dead Space) X Respiration Rate E. air left in the lungs after a maximal expiration; Tidal Volume X Respiration Rate 61. The largest fraction of the filtrate is reabsorbed by the and the osmolarity of the filtrate after this reabsorption occurs in this region of the nephron is A. Collecting Duct; 100 mOsM B. Distal tubule; 300 mOsM C. Proximal tubule; 100 mOsM D. Proximal tubule; 300 mOsM E. Proximal tubule; 1200 mOsM ned pressure?

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