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Regression Analysis
* A multiple regression analysis was conducted to find whether the dependent variable; number of CDs /Digital albums purchased in the last 12 months (V13) is affected by the independent predictor variables; number of spontaneous purchases in the past month, year born, gender and monthly discretionary income (Baños, Fonseca & Alvarez, 2019).
Interpretation of output
From the model summary table, it was found that 0.6% variability in number of CDs/Digital albums purchased in the last 12 months was explained by the independent predictor variables; number of spontaneous purchases in the past month, year born, gender and monthly discretionary income, R2 = .006. From the ANOVA output table, it was found that the regression model is not significant since the p value was greater than 0.05, R2 = .006, F (4, 432) = .703, p = .59. From the coefficients table, it was found that none of the independent predictor variables had any significant effect on the dependent variable; number of CDs /Digital albums purchased in the last 12 months (V13) since all of them had p values greater than 0.05.
* A multiple regression analysis was conducted to find if the independent predictor variables; number of spontaneous purchases in the past month, year born, gender and monthly discretionary income had effect on the dependent variable; Total number of complete digital albums or CDs owned.

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