This dissertation discusses poverty in different ways as it is manifested in the photo elicitations with children of five to seven years in London. Some photographs are analyzed carefully based on the feelings about poverty that they evoke. The dissertation construes the effects of poverty and the different ways that it affects lives of the people who cannot afford the decent life. Children from the low-income families cannot afford proper clothing and are unhappy, a condition brought about by difficult life conditions that their families face. On the other hand children from well-off families dress well, look healthy, and this depicts the general lifestyle that affluent families lead. The dissertation further elucidates the constraints that the low-income families face and the rift between the poor and the rich regarding their residential areas, the places where they spend their holidays, vehicles that they ride and propensity to spend on recreational amenities. It seeks to derive by reason that, life lead by the poor people is very distinctive from that of their wealthy counterparts and this is brought about by the availability of resources.