This is a final year project I want to do and therefore I have to write a literature review on that. Bellow are the contents: 1. Literature review [40% of the assignment] 2. Aim(s) and objectives [25% of the assignment] 3. Plan and timetable of work including methodology [35%] Title of the Project is: ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycling: A Critical Policy Analysis On How Recycling Could Contribute Socially and Economically To Manchester (United Kingdom). Please draw Aims and Objectives from the title. Provide Clear statement of the Aim(s) and Objectives. Present a literature review of a maximum of 2000 words based on the up-to-date academic literature that you have identified as key to underpinning your Project. Do not simply list and summarise the content of this literature. Write a critical review of this literature which is an argument that contextualises, explains and justifies your aim(s) and objectives. There is no simple number of references required. As a guide you should review here a minimum of ten pieces of up-to-date academic literature (academic journals and books). If appropriate, you may also include some reference to key secondary sources or reports of particular relevance to your topic but you must use these critically and they should not be the only sources (e.g. Government reports). Discuss this with your supervisor. Do not rely on non-academic web based sources. You must reference sources in the correct format.

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