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The Representation of the Poor in the Great Gatsby
Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsbyanalyzessuch diverse social issues as justice, control, materialism, betrayal,and the American dream. Albeitthe author exhaustively discourses these themes, he prominently and emphaticallycovers matters social hierarchy andrift.The Great Gatsby is an outstandingworkof social commentary that categorically provides insight into the ‘20s American life. The author meticulouslylayers his novel in discernible social classes with each class tackling particularchallenges, which engenders a robustcue of how problematiclife is. Through the creation of different social classes of old money, new money, and no money, Fitzgeraldbrings forthpowerful messages about the aristocratismthat is characteristic of everylevelof thesociety, exposing the level of poverty and lack existent in the 1920s US.
While the book mainly focuses on wealthy individuals, it also portrays the life of the poor. Nick exemplifies the poor as honourable and virtuous – principles the rich like Tom lack. Through this depiction, the author affirms that the poor uphold and value high moral standards despite their destituteness (Fälth 62). Despite Nick’sbackground, his affluence is a shadow of Tom’s and Gatsby’s.He humanely buries Gatsby while the rest of the rich shun the funeral – even Gatsby’s beloved Daisy for whom he takes the fall abstains from the funeral (Fitzgerald 177). Nick loyally organizes the funeral and concession and buries Gatsby nonetheless.