Case study on Cardiovascular Nursing

Discuss your role in the event and rationalise the treatment given.Provide an introduction that introduces your practice area, role and experience
Three emergent “life threatening” / “deteriorating patient” events that you have been involved in
You should introduce each event to set the scene
Discuss your role in the event and rationalise the treatment given

Include review of literature relevant to each event
Submit your portfolio to the assignments folder
Please contact the unit coordinator if you have any concerns about completing this assessment.

Portfolio: key resources
Clinical Reasoning Cycle Poster.pdf

5 Rights of Clinical Reasoning Poster.pdf

Examples of SAO or Journal entry (NB these are basic examples, graded at pass or low credit)

Very basic (pass or low credit level only) Example journal entry CNA 519.pdf

Very basic (pass or low credit level only) SAO example CNA 519.pdf

Assessment 2 rubric

Word Limit: 2500 words equivalent


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