The Scenario:
The body of 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey was found in the basement of the family home on December 26, 1996. The murder and subsequent investigation remain mired in controversy. One arrest was made in the case when a known pedophile confessed to the crime. All charges against him were subsequently dismissed. The case remains unsolved.

Case Summary:
On the morning of December 26, 1996, the mother of JonBenet Ramsey found a ransom note on a stairway in the family home in Boulder, Colorado. The handwritten note stated JonBenet had been kidnapped and demanded a ransom. After telephoning close friends, notification was made to the Boulder Police Department. Upon arrival, responding officers found the family and several family friends inside the home. The ransom note was reviewed and officers and family anticipated a telephone call from the kidnappers. A detective was summoned and arrived to oversee the investigation. When no call had been received from the kidnappers after a few hours, a police officer and JonBenet’s father began to search the home. JonBenet’s body was found in a locked storage room in the basement.

The following elements must be included:
Explain how to process and retrieve trace evidence. Summarize what trace evidence was collected at the scene and what trace evidence might have been altered or destroyed due to crime scene management issues.
Evaluate the accepted methodologies employed in contemporary crime scene management relative to how these methodologies were or were not adhered to in this case and the impact that they had on the investigation and make recommendations based on that evaluation that could have been applied to this case.
Analyze how the management techniques utilized and not utilized at the crime scene impacted judicial expectations and requirements relative to the admittance of evidence collected by forensic crime scene investigators.
Evaluate at least one specialized method used in the investigation and describe the methodology used and its impact on the investigation.
Examine judicial expectations and requirements relative to the admittance of evidence collected by forensic crime scene investigators.
Analyze how the management of the crime scene impacts the potential admissibility of forensic crime scene evidence in any potential criminal proceedings in this case.
Analyze whether the methods used to retrieve and process the evidence would meet the standard for admissibility in court today.
The Crime Scene Investigation Management Analysis:
Must be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages

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