Minimum of 350 words with at least 2 peer review reference in 7th edition apa style

Discuss appropriate referrals and consultations for the adult-geriatric patient experiencing acute or chronic immobility.

Differentiate the requirements for acute rehabilitation, skilled care (transitional care), long-term care, and hospice patients who are preparing for discharge from the acute care setting and may require bridge therapy to increase strength, balance, and conditioning prior to transitioning to a safe independent living environment.

Discuss general admission criteria, including number of modalities of therapy, number of hours of therapy per day in which the patient must participate, and any restrictions such as renal dialysis.

Identify at least one restorative level of care that an acute care adult-geriatric patient can be transferred to as a bridge to independent living and briefly describe the criteria for admission; e.g., number of hours of therapy and number of different modalities of therapy (speech, PT, OT, skilled nursing) within skilled or transitional care, home health, acute rehabilitation, long-term acute care, hospice, or other.

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