Review the Case study, Stigma and Tuberculosis.
There are many cultural differences in health beliefs, stigmas, and stereotypes between developing countries (Haiti, Malawi, Nepal, etc.) and developed countries (United States, France, Japan, etc.).
Conduct research on tuberculosis in the United States.
What are the social determinants of health related to tuberculosis in the United States?
What are the biological determinants of health related to tuberculosis in the United States?
Use scholarly or government sources to support the information for both determinants
Conduct research on tuberculosis on one developing country of your choosing.
What are the social determinants of health related to tuberculosis in the developing country chosen?
What are the biological determinants of health related to tuberculosis in the developing country chosen?
Use scholarly or government sources to support the information for both determinants
Compare and contrast the different examples of stigma related to tuberculosis in the United States to examples in the developing country you chose.
How do they differ? How are they similar?
Assess how social and biological determinants identified in your research contribute to the perpetuation of stigmas you identified.
Recommend a course of action to reduce each stigma identified from your research for both the United States and your chosen developing country.
Highlight a real world public health example of a stigma reduction technique used in the United States and in your chosen developing country.
The examples used for this question do not need to be on tuberculosis.
Must be 3-4 pages
Must use at least eight government and/or scholarly sources

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