The reading assessment has two parts. Firstly, what is a definition? Secondly, write down a definition for ‘sexism’, please. If you are unsure about the format for handing in your reading assessment, please download the template and fill in the answers. Please only upload your answers, not the entire table if you use the template.
1. Be sure to look at the template. 2. Study the course material for (reading and other linked material to answer the case study well.
reading material and assessment template is attached below.
Title and Mechanics (20%):The first few lines of your upload contain all your relevant information (name, student number, upload date, word count, course number, session, assignment question). Total length of answer is not more than ~ ½ page or 200 words. You have a new title in your answer that you thought of yourself, which is not stated as a question (no question marks). You are creative and remain academic.
20 |
Grammar and Style (20%):
You pay attention to proper verb tenses, sentence structure and spelling. Punctuation is correct. Assignment is proofread. Reading assessment is clearly phrased without awkward wording. Terms are used correctly, ideas are clearly transmitted. Student avoids sexist, racist or other unprofessional “three Cs” (colloquial language, clichés and contractions). Paper avoids repetitive wording and phrasing. Quotes are used appropriately and sparingly to occasionally illustrate a point. Quotes have been integrated properly into the text with regard to both grammar and the flow of the discussion. 20 |
Organization (20%):
Your answer is organized: Points flow logically. Arguments build logically onto each other. Paragraphing is done well (3 sentences minimum). Attention is paid to topic sentences and transition sentences in body paragraphs. Points are backed up and illustrated. 20 |
Description, Application (40%)
Student lists two or three important key descriptors and combines important factors from the reading for that week. Student defines key issue and and shows how the reading for that week informs their choice of issues. Student offers an insightful answer to the thesis/question that is posed in the description of the assignment and their answer shows that the material has been studied. The student makes connections between key concepts in the reading and their answer(s) to the question(s). They demonstrate comprehension of both the reading and associated key concept. |