WK1R MSN570 Instruction: Differential Diagnosis


  1. Give an overview of the patient with the differential diagnosis*. Identify 3 different DD processes used in clinical practice.  Describe the risks/benefits of these 3 processes in 250 WORDS, not including references! Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years
  2. You “create” a response to students that should include: an example of when the student identifies one of the differential diagnosis processes used in the clinical setting. patient case based on your knowledge of the diagnosis, based on a patient you have seen in your work or personal experience. (300 WORDS).  Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years


Give an overview of the diagnosis including risk factors and how they cause or contribute to adaptation or pathogenesis.

Give an in-depth discussion of the pathophysiology of your diagnosis as it occurs over time; include signs, symptoms, diagnostic studies and the underlying pathophysiologic process causing these signs and symptoms.  Support this pathophysiology with high level evidence.

Summarize treatments and outcomes in terms of pathophysiologic alterations.

Once you have had an in-depth discussion of your diagnosis overall, be sure to connect your case discussion back to the patient you have presented.  Example, if your patient has HTN and DM, be sure to include a discussion of the symptoms that your patient is exhibiting and discuss treatments specifically aimed for your patient.

Support your case discussion with current (in the past 5 years) high level evidence.  Patient information portals, disease association websites and other resources such as Up-to-date, Epocrates, Medscape, Mayo Clinic are not considered high levels of evidence and should be avoided for your presentations.  While use of the course textbooks is permitted, a minimum of 3 high level citations outside of the course texts is required.  If you are unclear about what is considered high level evidence, please review content from your Evidence Based Nursing

Dlugasch & Story:

Chapter 1 22-32, Chapter 5 234-238, Chapter 8 382-387, Chapter 9 441-444


Lecture Series by Dr. Woodruff

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