First Essay (400 words)

How does context affect the portrayal of the human figure? Choose two examples of painting or sculpture showing the human form from two different regions or eras. Research these artworks, upload images of them (with captions), and then consider the following questions. What does the artwork tell us about the religion, environment, history, politics, or economics of the place where it was created? How are your two chosen artworks similar? How are they different? For what purpose were they used?

Second Essay (400 Words)

In the Modern era, the purposes and forms of art, as well as the role of the artist, began to be questioned. Discuss some of the ways artists experimented with new styles and techniques, and how these differed from more traditional approaches. Be sure to explain how the historical and cultural context affected their art. How and why did the artist’s personal self-expression become important during the Modern period? How did this view of the artist as visionary differ from earlier understandings of the artist’s role? Include at least two specific examples of artworks (they should be discussed in your essay, and you must also upload images with captions).

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